United States Boxer Association

Standing Rules and Operating Procedures

The official rules and documents of the club are as follows

Constitution and Bylaws

Code of Ethics

Standing Rules and Operating Procedures (SROP)

IGP Trial Rules

Breed Show Rules

Program for Working Judges

Provisional and Member Club Rules

Atibox-WM and AWDF Championship Eligibility Requirements

The items contained in this SROP are in addition to these documents and will be adopted individually and when the need arises.

ATIBOX delegate

USA-BOX appoints an Atibox delegate each year who may elect to represent the USA-BOX at the ATIBOX annual meeting.  Atibox hosts a large international breed show each year in rotating locations in conjunction with this meeting, usually in Europe. The delegate's duties at the event are to follow the board's instructions and recommendations on behalf of the organization. USA-BOX will reimburse the delegate for travel expenses, including but not limited to travel to the airport, airline travel, rental car, and hotel expenses for the day of the day before, the day of, and the day immediately following the annual meeting.  Mileage at current IRS rates applies. The delegate must turn in receipts within 10 days of the event.

AWDF delegate

AWDF: USA-BOX appoints 2 AWDF official delegates each year, and one of those delegates, or an appointed club member in good standing, may elect to represent the USA-BOX at the AWDF annual meeting, which is held in conjunction with the AWDF National IGP Championship. The delegate's duties at the event are to follow the board's instructions and recommendations on behalf of the organization. USA-BOX will reimburse the delegate for travel expenses, including but not limited to travel to the airport, airline travel, rental car, and hotel expenses for the day of the day before, the day of, and the day immediately following the annual meeting.  Mileage at current IRS rates applies. The delegate must turn in receipts within 10 days of the event.

committees & chairpersons

Board of Inquiry (BOI)

Breed Show Chair/Committee

IGP Chair/Committee

Nomination Chair/Committee

Social Media Chair/Committee

Website Chair/Committee

Ways and Means Chair/Committee


The following forms are available on the website:

·         Approved Working Dog Title Application (For AKC Certificates and Pedigrees)

·         Event Authorization Request

·         IGP Trial Forms

·         Membership Form

·         Scorebook Form

·         Show Card Form

·         Working Titles and Breed Survey Submission Form (For Website Listing)

lifetime members

Lifetime members are nominated by the board of officers. Members may contact a member of the board with a recommendation for lifetime membership between January and July of an election year. Nominees must be members in good standing, and a person may not nominate themselves or members of their household. Voting will occur in conjunction with the election of officers every three years and elected based on a simple majority of ballots received.

Lifetime members must notify the Membership Chair or Secretary of any change of address or contact details.

new memberships

New Memberships in October – December shall carry over to the following year.  This does NOT apply to lapsed memberships.

rotating national shows and trials

The National Sieger Show will rotate clockwise by region in this order:  West, Central, East, and South.  Clubs in the region for that year have a deadline of March 31st of the event year to announce a date for the event.  After March 31st, if no date has been announced, any club in good standing may submit a bid and are encouraged to contact the Board to check for availability before submitting a USA-BOX Event Authorization Request Form. For a list of clubs and regions, refer to usboxerclub.org.

The IGP Working Championship will rotate clockwise by region in this order:  West, Central, East, and South.  The club that held the previous year's Sieger show has the first option to host the Working Championship, with a deadline of March 31st of the event year to announce a date for the event.  After March 31st, if no date has been announced, any club in good standing may submit a bid and are encouraged to contact the Board to check for availability before submitting a USA-BOX Event Authorization Request Form. For a list of clubs and regions, refer to usboxerclub.org.

Adopted November 1, 2023

Revised March 10, 2024

Revised May 1, 2024