Breed Suitability Tests
AD: “Aus dauerprufung”
An AD is an endurance test performed by gaiting approximately 6–10 mph for about 12 miles. Minimum age of the dog should be 16 months. The handler will need a bicycle for the AD test, clubs will supply the bicycles or they could be rented for the event.
The AD is performed as follows:
• 5 miles, a break and check of health of dog.
• 4 miles, a break and check health of dog.
• 3 miles, a check for health of dog and a little obedience is performed at completion of the test.
ZTP: “Zuchttauglichkeitsprufung”
(compiled from the ZTP regulations published by the BK)
The ZTP is the thoroughly detailed examination of the quantitative value of the Boxer's conformation and character. This evaluation prevents a Boxer with a lack of proper form or temperament to be used for breeding. The ZTP is of the utmost importance for breeding and should not be regarded just as a necessary evil. These are young dogs being reviewed for the first time and rejected or approved for breeding. The passed ZTP represents an essential prerequisite for the breeding of a Boxer in accordance with the breeding rules.
ZTP Entry Requirements:
1. Dogs must be a minimum of 12 months of age to participate. 2. Hip certification with a result of HD-A, B or C must be presented to the judge for review at the time of the test. The X-rays may be completed and evaluated when the dog is 12 months of age or older. Dogs with medium or heavy HD ratings (HD-D or HD-E) are not permitted to participate. 3. The ZTP evaluation must consist of 4 entered dogs. 4. The failure of a dog at any level of the examination will result in only one re-test being allowed at a later date. Two failures will result in a permanent ban from participation in any further breeding suitability evaluations and from breeding.
The implementation of the ZTP is the responsibility of the host club in conjunction with the BK. The judge requests an application for a test date at the BK office in Munich. The application form is then filled out and returned to the BK office. The application must be accompanied by the specified application fee. The application must be made well in advance so that timely publication of the event may be made. Unannounced ZTP tests may not be conducted. The specified start time for the approved event is binding. The BK office confirms the date, provides all necessary forms for the examination and provides for the publication of the event in the calendar of the BK. ZTP tests may be conducted at any time throughout the year. Except for the appropriate site where the event will be held, a helper with a sleeve, stick and pistol must be available. A suitable secretary for the event must also be available.
Before starting the test, the list of participants is created and the prescribed ZTP evaluation forms are completed with the following information:
Dog’s name
Registration number
Date of birth
HD results
Owner’s name
Club’s name (host club for event)
The judge will verify the identity of the Boxer and personally inspect the dog’s original pedigree and the original HD grading results. For Boxers with foreign pedigrees and foreign owners, copies of the foreign pedigree and HD grading results must be submitted with the other documentation to the board of the AZKW. The event hosting club must request these copies in advance of the evaluation. If the owner is not a German resident, the dog’s HD results must be entered in the BK Studbook prior to the test. (Addendum added for USA-BOX events: Submission of OFA results for USA based dogs may be used for entry into evaluations conducted in the USA).
The judge shall write notes about each dog’s eye color, tooth formula, general character, nerve constitution, courage, shot sureness, and gait/movement on the evaluation forms which will then give a complete description of the dog as a whole.
End of the test:
The evaluation consists of following parts which are performed in the following order:
1. Identity verification of entered dog (pedigree, microchip, tattoo).
2. Visual inspection of the dog: eye color, dentition, general gait/movement and the shot sureness (assessing the dog’s nerve in reaction to the gun shot).
3. Measurement of height, length and depth of chest.
4. Temperament test with helper: to determine drive strength and courage in reaction to helper’s aggression.
5. Discussion of assessment.
Each entry is discussed in-depth by the judge so that the owner of the dog is accurately informed and educated about the dog’s strengths and faults. Boxers with eye color that is lighter than 4(b) (per the BK eye color chart) or Boxers with a wry mouth (crooked muzzle) may not be authorized for breeding.
The judge’s careful, detailed, overall assessment of the dog is critical for completion of the ZTP forms and the judge shall indicate on the ZTP form that the dog is suitable for breeding, unsuitable for breeding or banned from breeding.
American Koerung:
is a breed survey where participating dogs must have:
• Minimum of IGP1
• An AD
• Hip Rating (BK Rating of A or B OR OFA rating of Excellent or Good)
• Heart Test BK Rating of 0-1
• Spondylosis BK Rating of 0-1
• Height Requirements Met: Females 53cm to 59cm / Males 57cm to 63cm.
• Eye color of 1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b.